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Officer's dirk to the 91st Argyllshire Highlanders. Silver alloy. Single edged blade with notched spine. Blade with etchings on boths sides. On one side, etched with thistles and foliage framing a sunburst panel featuring the Queen Victoria crown under which markings VR (Victoria Regina) and the St. Andrew's cross, the regimental numeral XCI, foliage, and, below, the maker's markings Parfitt/Roberts/& Parfit/Jermyn S./London. On the other side of the blade, etchings of nine battle honors of the Peninsula Campaign (Rolea, Vimiera, Corunna, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, Peninsula). Ferrule and pommel of silver alloy, the former molded with the regimental title ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS, the latter set with a dark foil-backed citrine. Ebonised grip carved with interlace and set with silvered studs. Scabbard with associated suspension strap, the silver alloy mounts molded with thistles, the throat featuring the crown and cipher (VR) within St. Andrew's cross, the central mount with the regimental numeral XCI. Matching knife and fork ensuite side by side. Undocumented provenance (from Bonhams San Franscisco) James Thomas Rogers: Ensign, 4th May, 1860; lieutenant, 3rd May, 1864; service in India; Captain, 19th August, 1873; service in the Zulu War of 1879; present at the Battle of Ginginhlovo; invalided home shortly after; later adjutant of the Renfrew Militia; retired 1881. Parfitt, Roberts & Parfitt operated from the 1870s from 75 Jermyn Street and continued to trade until 1905.Condition: Blade with scattered small areas of slight staining and minor pitting. Hilt and scabbard mounts showing scattered light marks.

Ref 7. 91st Argyllshire Highlanders

  • 1864 - 1871

  • The regimental numeral was used several times during the 18th century before the Argyllshire Highlanders were raised by Duncan Campbell in 1794 as the 98th Regiment and were re-numbered the 91st in 1796.

    In 1872, they were re-titled Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders and were amalgamated with the 93rd Regiment in 1881 as the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

    91st raised

    • 1794 as The 98th (known as The Argyll Regiment)
    • 1796 as The 91st
    • 1864 as The 91st Aygyllshire Highlanders
    • 1872 as The 91st (Peince Louise's) Argyllshire Highlanders
    • 1881 as the Princess Louise's (Sutherland and Argyll Highlanders), by the amalgamation of the 91st (Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot and 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
    • 1882 as the Prince Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). The order of the "Argyll" and "Sutherland" sub-titles was changed from the 1881 naming
    • 1920 as The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princes Louise's)
    • 2006 as 5th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotand (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 5 SCOTS. Were permitted to use the title "The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Royal Regiment of Scotland
    • 2012 as 5th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 5 SCOTS. Reduced to one Company (Balaklava Company) for public ceremonial duties

    93th raised

    • 1800 as the 93rd (Known as the Sutherland Regiment)
    • 1861 as the 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders)
    • 1881 as the Princess Louise's (Sutherland and Argyll Highlanders), by the amalgamation of the 91st (Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot and 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
    • 1882 as the Prince Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). The order of the "Argyll" and "Sutherland" sub-titles was changed from the 1881 naming
    • 1920 as The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princes Louise's)
    • 2006 as 5th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotand (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 5 SCOTS. Were permitted to use the title "The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Royal Regiment of Scotland
    • 2012 as 5th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). 5 SCOTS. Reduced to one Company (Balaklava Company) for public ceremonial duties. 
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